Schedule 67

IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to the provisions of the Provincial Offences Act and the rules for the Ontario Court of Justice, that the amount set opposite each of the offences in the attached Items of Schedule 67 under the Provincial Statutes and Regulations thereunder is the Set Fine.

This Order comes into effect on the 1st day of January 2010.

DATED AT TORONTO this 3rd day of December 2009.


Annemarie E. Bonkalo, Chief Justice
Ontario Court of Justice

Schedule 67
Occupational Health and Safety Act (as it relates to Ontario Regulation 213/91)
Item Column 1 Column 2
Set Fine
3. Worker having or using stilts or leg extension devices contrary to section 116 of Ontario Regulation 213/91 28(l)(a) $195.00
4. Employer failing to ensure compliance with stilts and leg extension devices requirements in section 116 of Ontario Regulation 213/91 25(l)(c) $295.00
5. Supervisor failing to ensure worker working in compliance with stilts and leg extension devices requirements in section 116 of Ontario Regulation 213/91 27(1)(a) $295.00
6. Worker failing to work in compliance with subsection 195.1(1) of Ontario Regulation 213/91 by using inadequately grounded cord-connected electrical equipment or tools 28(1)(a) $195.00
Ontario Court of Justice