Practice Advisory Concerning Civil Long Motions in the Toronto Region

Effective April 3, 2018

This Practice Advisory applies to all civil long motions (over 2 hours) before judges. It does not apply to civil long motions before associate judges.

Counsel and parties are advised to refer to the relevant parts of the Consolidated Provincial Practice Direction and any other applicable Toronto Region-specific Practice Directions or Guides, which are available on the Superior Court of Justice website at:

Requirement to File Electronic Copies of Documents on USB

For civil long motions before judges, parties must file electronic copies of their materials on a USB stick. The USB must include a copy of the motion materials, including the factum, where required. Paper copies of the motion materials must also be filed as required by the rules of court.

Acceptable Formats for Electronic Documents

Two electronic versions of each document are required:

  1. One copy must be created using Microsoft Word (.DOC), and
  2. One copy must be saved in PDF format. Documents converted from Word to PDF are preferable to scanned PDF documents.

Electronic Documents Naming Convention

In order to assist court staff in storing the electronic materials and the judge in accessing them, when saving electronic documents on the USB, each document must be named using one of the prefixes below, followed by the short style of cause and court file number (e.g. MPL Brown v. Brown CV-17-12345-0000):

Motion Record (containing the Notice of Motion)

MPL = Motion Record of the Plaintiff
MDE = Motion Record of the Defendant
MDM = Motion Record of the Defendant to Counterclaim
MTP = Motion Record of the Third Party
M4P = Motion Record of the Fourth Party
M5P = Motion Record of the Fifth Party
M6P = Motion Record of the Sixth Party
M7P = Motion Record of the Seventh Party
MAP = Motion Record of the Applicant
MRP = Motion Record of the Respondent
MIN = Motion Record of the Intervener
MAN = Motion Record of the Agency (Agency/Person/Special Interest)
MSL = Motion Record of the Solicitor (under the Solicitors Act)
MCL = Motion Record of the Client (under the Solicitors Act)
MNP = Motion Record of a Non-party

All relevant prior court orders and endorsements (if not already included in the Motion Record)

COE = Court Orders and Endorsements

Note: Include only court orders and judge’s endorsements that relate to the long motion.


AFPL = Affidavit of or on behalf of the Plaintiff
AFDE = Affidavit of or on behalf of the Defendant
AFDM = Affidavit of or on behalf of the Defendant to Counterclaim
AFTP = Affidavit of or on behalf of the Third Party
AF4P = Affidavit of or on behalf of the Fourth Party
AF5P = Affidavit of or on behalf of the Fifth Party
AF6P = Affidavit of or on behalf of the Sixth Party
AF7P = Affidavit of or on behalf of the Seventh Party
AFAP = Affidavit of or on behalf of the Applicant
AFRP = Affidavit of or on behalf of the Respondent
AFIN = Affidavit of or on behalf of the Intervener
AFAN = Affidavit of or on behalf of the Agency (Agency/Person/Special Interest)
AFSL = Affidavit of or on behalf of the Solicitor (under the Solicitors Act)
AFCL = Affidavit of or on behalf of the Client (under the Solicitors Act)
AFNP = Affidavit of or on behalf of a Non-party

Affidavits of Service/Proof of Service

AFSPL = Affidavit of Service or Proof of Service of or on behalf of the Plaintiff
AFSDE = Affidavit of Service or Proof of Service of or on behalf of the Defendant
AFSDM = Affidavit of Service or Proof of Service of or on behalf of the Defendant to Counterclaim
AFSTP = Affidavit of Service or Proof of Service of or on behalf of the Third Party
AFS4P = Affidavit of Service or Proof of Service of or on behalf of the Fourth Party
AFS5P = Affidavit of Service or Proof of Service of or on behalf of the Fifth Party
AFS6P = Affidavit of Service or Proof of Service of or on behalf of the Sixth Party
AFS7P = Affidavit of Service or Proof of Service of or on behalf of the Seventh Party
AFSAP = Affidavit of Service or Proof of Service of or on behalf of the Applicant
AFSRP = Affidavit of Service or Proof of Service of or on behalf of the Respondent
AFSIN = Affidavit of Service or Proof of Service of or on behalf of the Intervener
AFSAN = Affidavit of Service or Proof of Service of or on behalf of the Agency (Agency/Person/Special Interest)
AFSSL = Affidavit of Service or Proof of Service of or on behalf of the Solicitor (under the Solicitors Act)
AFSCL = Affidavit of Service or Proof of Service of or on behalf of the Client (under the Solicitors Act)
AFSNP = Affidavit of Service or Proof of Service of or on behalf of a Non-party

Book of Authorities

BAPL = Book of Authorities of the Plaintiff
BADE = Book of Authorities of the Defendant
BADM = Book of Authorities of the Defendant to Counterclaim
BATP = Book of Authorities of the Third Party
BA4P = Book of Authorities of the Fourth Party
BA5P = Book of Authorities of the Fifth Party
BA6P = Book of Authorities of the Sixth Party
BA7P = Book of Authorities of the Seventh Party
BAAP = Book of Authorities of the Applicant
BARP = Book of Authorities of the Respondent
BAIN = Book of Authorities of the Intervener
BAAN = Book of Authorities of the Agency (Agency/Person/Special Interest)
BASL = Book of Authorities of the Solicitor (under the Solicitors Act)
BACL = Book of Authorities of the Client (under the Solicitors Act)
BANP = Book of Authorities of Non-party

Factums, including Amended and Supplementary

FPL = Factum of the Plaintiff
FDE = Factum of the Defendant
FDM = Factum of the Defendant to Counterclaim
FTP = Factum of the Third Party
F4P = Factum of the Fourth Party
F5P = Factum of the Fifth Party
F6P = Factum of the Sixth Party
F7P = Factum of the Seventh Party
FAP = Factum of the Applicant
FRP = Factum of the Respondent
FIN = Factum of the Intervener
FAN = Factum of the Agency (Agency/Person/Special Interest)
FSL  = Factum of the Solicitor (under the Solicitors Act)
FCL  = Factum of the Client (under the Solicitors Act)
FNP  = Factum of a Non-party

Note: Add the suffix AM or SUP to indicate Amended or Supplemental Factum

Costs Outline

COPL = Cost Outline of the Plaintiff
CODE = Cost Outline of the Defendant
CODM = Cost Outline of the Defendant to Counterclaim
COTP = Cost Outline of the Third Party
CO4P = Cost Outline of the Fourth Party
CO5P = Cost Outline of the Fifth Party
CO6P = Cost Outline of the Sixth Party
CO7P = Cost Outline of the Seventh Party
COAP = Cost Outline of the Applicant
CORP = Cost Outline of the Respondent
COIN = Cost Outline of the Intervener
COAN = Cost Outline of the Agency (Agency/Person/Special Interest)
COSL = Cost Outline of the Solicitor (under the Solicitors Act)
COCL = Cost Outline of the Client (under the Solicitors Act)
CONP = Cost Outline of a non-party


TRN = Transcript


CPL = Compendium of the Plaintiff
CDE = Compendium of the Defendant
CDM = Compendium of the Defendant to Counterclaim
CTP = Compendium of the Third Party
C4P = Compendium of the Fourth Party
C5P = Compendium of the Fifth Party
C6P = Compendium of the Sixth Party
C7P = Compendium of the Seventh Party
CAP = Compendium of the Applicant
CRP = Compendium of the Respondent
CIN = Compendium of the Intervener
CAN = Compendium of the Agency (Agency/Person/Special Interest)
CSL = Compendium of the Solicitor (under the Solicitors Act)
CCL = Compendium of the Client (under the Solicitors Act)
CNP = Compendium of a Non-party

Note: When there is a joint compendium filed, suffix the file name with the parties (i.e. PL for plaintiff; DE for defendant, DM defendant to counterclaim, etc.)

Note: When there are multiple documents of the same type filed, suffix the file name with 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, etc.

Counsel and parties may also refer to the Guide Concerning e-Delivery of Documents in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, available on the Superior Court’s website.

Dated: March 26, 2018

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Regional Senior Judge
Superior Court of Justice, Toronto Region